Unplugged Ceremonies - Are they Still a Thing?
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Monday, January 23, 2023
By Fabuluxe Events
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Hi y'all today we are talking about Unplugged Ceremonies...and yes they are still a thing but with a twist sometimes.  Recently we had a couple take 2 minutes at the beginning of their ceremony where the officiant said "please take all the photos you want now."  Guests took photos for 2 minutes then the officiant asked "please put away your phones and enjoy the special moments of this ceremony."  And the rest of the ceremony was unplugged.  Friends got their photos for social media and the ceremony was still respected....Interesting isn't it!

If you want a more traditional Unplugged Ceremony check out these tips below!

Unplugged Ceremonies: Are they Still a Thing?

When you're planning your wedding, one of the decisions you'll have to make is whether or not to have an unplugged ceremony. This is a newer trend in weddings that is growing in popularity. An unplugged ceremony means that guests are not allowed to use their cell phones or any other electronic devices during the ceremony. So, why would you want to consider having an unplugged wedding? There are several reasons!


One of the biggest reasons to consider an unplugged ceremony is that it allows your guests to be fully present in the moment. With everyone's attention focused on their electronic devices, it can be difficult to truly be present and soak up all the emotions of the day. When cell phones are banned, guests are forced to put down their devices and be in the moment. This means they'll be able to fully experience your ceremony and will likely remember it more vividly afterwards.


Another reason to consider an unplugged ceremony is that it can create a more intimate atmosphere. When guests are focused on their devices, they're not really interacting with the people around them. This can make your ceremony feel more like a performance that everyone is watching rather than an intimate occasion shared between you and your loved ones. By banning cell phones, you're encouraging your guests to interact with each other and with you, which can make for a more intimate and memorable experience.


If you're worried about guests missing out on important photos or videos of your ceremony, don't be! More than likely you will have paid good money and hired a professional photographer  and/or videographer to capture the day's events. Imagine receiving your beautifully edited wedding video and seeing nothing but cell phones in the air, or even worse, a guest in the middle of your aisle with an iPad. Yes! It happens!  An unplugged ceremony ensures that your professional photos and videos will be the only ones worth keeping.


So, there you have it! These are just a few of the many reasons why you should consider having an unplugged wedding ceremony. If you're looking for a way to create a more intimate atmosphere and ensure that your guests are fully present in the moment, an unplugged ceremony is definitely something to consider!


Photos courtesy of:

Sunny Lee Photo

Munoz Photography

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