Posts with tag: "yoga"
Tuesday, November 03, 2020
By Fabuluxe Events
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Hi Y'all!  So we all know that wedding planning is super stressful in the best of times.  Now in the middle of a global pandemic, wedding stress gets a little crazier.

The rules for gatherings are in a constant state of flux.  Guests may or may not want to travel to your wedding.  And even attending a wedding is a life or death decision for some people with health risks.  Top that all off with changes in food service, availability of some items such as special flowers, additional lead time needed for ordering items.  It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out...well don't do that!  We have some tips for saving your sanity while planning your wedding during these crazy times.

1.  Take at least one day each week and make it a NO WEDDING day.  That means no talking about the wedding, no stalking instagram and pinterest, calling your wedding vendors.  NO WEDDING related items.

2.  Date Night - Remember why you are getting married.  Date night may look different right now and that is ok - make dinner together, go for a long walk, watch a movie you haven't seen, binge watch your favorite tv show together, "netflix and chill" is always a great option!

3.  Set boundaries with family and friends.  It's ok not to want to talk about the wedding every waking moment.  And even though they usually have the best of's ok to step back.

4.  Let your wedding planner help you!  Your wedding planner is going to have the most up to date information on venue guidelines, federal, state and local rules, travel restrictions and more.  Your wedding planner is a huge resource of information.

5.  Self-care - this could be something different for everyone - a hot bubble bath, an exercise class (virtually or in-person), girls night out, a mani/pedi, a massage, binge watching Gilmore Girls for the 100th time.  Whatever works. 

Recently this wedding planner was looking for something to help with stress, that could be done at home, and it didn't cost a fortune.  

I stumbled across Yoga with Adriene and can you imagine how excited I was when I saw that she had a pre-wedding yoga practice.  I am still working through all of her beginner videos, and videos for neck and shoulders. 

There are 13 practices all designed to help with the unique stress and anxiety associated with wedding planning.  Click the link below to check it out.

Yoga for Anyone Planning a Wedding!

*please note that I have not received any compensation for sharing these videos, nor is it an official endorsement.  It's just something that I found that may help!

 6.  Talk to a licensed therapist or counselor.  It is ok to reach out for help.  We are living in unprecedented times.  And during this strange time, you are trying to plan your dream wedding.  Sometimes, a neutral, third-party can help you sort through some of "noise".  My therapist has been on zoom-speed dial since lockdown in early March.

7.  Turn off the news and stay off social media...Covid will be here for a while.  Your planner will keep you updated. Constant watching of the news and "doom-scrolling" wont suddenly change things.  

8.  Take up a new hobby.  Coloring books, virtual painting classes, reading a new book, petting your dog or cat, journaling, knitting...all receive rave reviews for helping calm stress and anxiety.


It's so important to take care of yourself while wedding planning in normal times.  Well, we aren't in normal times, so taking care of yourself becomes even more important!

Stay well my friends!
