Real Advice from Real Brides ....The Good and The Bad
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
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Hi All,

Do you ever wonder what other brides think when they are guests at weddings?  When planning your own wedding it is amazing the things that you notice when attending a wedding or other event.  So, it seemed like a great idea to share some feedback and solutions that we have gathered from past and current brides. 

1.  Guest List too big - This one is really important.  Only invite the number of guests that you can comfortably afford to feed and entertain.  No guest wants to feel like they are being "cheaped out" at a wedding...don't make your guests pay $3 for a soda...don't make your guests feel like they can only take one appetizer.  Keep the guest list in line with the type of wedding you want.

2.  Religious Ceremonies - Let's face it, weddings these days are multi-ethnic, multi-faith events with guests from very diverse backgrounds.  We want to you to have a ceremony that reflects your religious beliefs.  Just make sure that it does not become a sermon or that the officiant does not try to convert everyone to your faith.  Keep the lines of communication open with your officiant while planning your ceremony.

3.  Personalized vows - There is something so intimate and special about creating your own personal vows and sharing them with your future spouse in front all of your friends and family.  Just remember to keep the inside jokes and personal comments to a minimum.  Those are secrets best kept between the two of you.

4.  Slideshows - Incorporating family photos of family members can be really special and touching.  But, long slideshows tend to bore people and they know that the slideshow is being used to kill time while you and your new spouse are taking pictures after the ceremony. 

5.  Favors - We love favors.  They tell your guests that you appreciate them being part of such an important day.   They don't have to be expensive or elaborate, but they do have to be thoughtful. 

6.  Indoor/Outdoor - Outdoor ceremonies are some of the most lovely.  Think about the time of year and time of day of your ceremony.  In most locations, and outdoor ceremony at 1PM in July is going to be HOT, HOT, HOT.

7.  Music - Nothing says PARTY like great music.  Talking with your DJ and planning a varied selection of music to be played at your reception will keep the dance floor full and appeal to everyone.  Grandma and Grandpa may not be fans of "F... You" by CeeLo Green.

8.  DJ - If you choose to do an IPOD reception (which we do NOT recommend).  Make sure you have someone to EMCEE your day. Otherwise no one will know when it is time to cut the cake, toss the bouquet or hear the toasts.

9.  The Waiting Game - Nothing upsets guests more than having to wait hours between the ceremony and reception or for food and beverages to be served during the cocktail hour and reception.  Talk out the timeline with your wedding planner (and if you don't have a professional wedding planner you can talk out the timeline with your mom or maid of honor).

10.  Finally - BE ON TIME.  This is the complaint we hear most often.  You have many people who have come to spend the day with you.  It shows respect for them when you are on time.

We hope that you find these tips helpful.  Please post other wedding do's and don'ts in our comments section.  We love to hear what you have to say!

Have a great day.

Jen, Mandi, Amelia

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