I have a confession to make...
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Thursday, August 01, 2013
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Hi everyone,  Today I have a confession to make....are ready for it...here it is....I am obssessed with all things wedding and party.  You are probably saying DUH!, right about now.  But my reason for sharing this is that I believe to be good at what you do, you need to have a passion for it.  Well let me just say, that I have a passion for planning weddings and events of all types. 

I have been told by our clients and other vendors that this passion shows through.  And that makes me feel amazing...because it means I am doing my job.

It may sound cheesy...but I love our couples and getting to know them throughout the planning process. Sometimes we work together for more than a year and a special bond develops.  Getting to see their personalities shine through at the wedding or crying at an emotional moment are priceless.  It is so special to know that we had a small part in someone's amazing day.

When we are working on non-profit events, the feeling is different but equally amazing.  We get to create these fun and different fundraisers and events and yet all of the hard work is going toward helping someone in need.    What is even better is when I get to share a story from my life and it makes a difference to an organization or someone else in need.

I know that I am incredibly blessed to get to work in a profession that I love, that I have the support of my family in my chosen profession and I get to work with incredible, fabulous people!  I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and for Fabuluxe Events.  I know it is going to be incredible.


PS...I have one more confession...I think I have turned into a full-fledge soccer mom...yikes!  If you had asked me in my 20s if that would ever happen I would have laughed hysterically.  Now I get to fundraise for my son's soccer team!


You Deserve a Fabuluxe Day!
Jen, Mandi and Amelia


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